The highest quality of products CONVENTIONAL PRODUCT



Dride fruit & Vegetables

Dried Apricots

The journey of dried apricots originates in the vast orchards of Malatya, the primary apricot growing city in the world.
These carefully selected fresh apricots are precisely sun-dried and specially processed for distribution to the most prestigious
wholesalers and supermarket chains located throughout the world.
Our dried apricots are available whole, diced or in paste form to meet your exacting requirements.
In addtion, we offer a variety of packaging alternatives from bulk to retail.

Dried Figs

From the beautiful Aegean region of Turkey, we proudly bring yo figs…
The delicious, tasty fruit favored by people everywhere.
Our nutritious dried figs are meticulously processed and selectively graded to meet the highest standards of quality.
We are able to provide you with figs that are whole. diced or in paste form.
Our experienced production workers carefully shape and artfully package the figs to achieve the most appealing appearance.
A variety of packing styles are available: Lerida in trays, Pulled, Protoben and Garland packs of 250gr


A prune is any of various plum cultivars, mostly Prunus domestica or European Plum, sold as fresh or dried fruit. The dried fruit is
also referred to as a dried plum. In general, dried prunes are freestone cultivars (the pit is easy to remove), whereas most other
plums grown for fresh consumption are clingstone (the pit is more difficult to remove).

Sour cherry

Sour cherry, is a species of Prunus in the subgenus Cerasus (cherries), native to much of Europe and southwest Asia. It is closely
related to the sweet cherry (Prunus avium), but has a fruit that is more acidic, has greater nutritional benefits, and may have
greater medicinal effects. The tree is smaller than the sweet cherry (growing to a height of 4–10 m), has twiggy branches, and its
crimson-to-near-black cherries are borne upon shorter stalks. There are two varieties of the sour cherry: the dark-red morello
cherry and the lighter-red amarelle cherry.

Sultanas Raisins

These small, seedless raisins are grown in lush farm lands located in the northern Aegean region of Turkey. Sultanas go through
a long processing line, after which they are laboriously hand-selected three times over to select comparable color and grade.
Sultanas have a color scale ranging from the lightest(golden) No.10, to the darkest No.8 (brown). The No. 9 Sultanas are light
brown in color. Available dipped or un-dipped (Thompson) Sultanas can be packed in bulk or in retail ready-to-sell packages such
as 500gr. cellophane bags or any other packaging you may require.

Sun-dried tomatoes

Sun-dried tomatoes are ripe tomatoes that lose most of their water content after spending a majority of their drying time in the sun.
These tomatoes are usually pre-treated with salt before being placed in the sun in order to improve quality.Typically, tomatoes
spend 4–10 days in the sun in order for the sun-drying process to be complete. Cherry types of tomatoes will lose 88 % of their
initial (fresh) weight, while larger tomatoes can lose up to 93% during the process. As a result, it takes anywhere from 8 to 14 kilos
of fresh tomatoes to make a single kilo of sun-dried tomatoes.
